Saturday, July 31, 2010


I don't know who this T.J is, but I like him!
Tonight, my boyfriend and I went to see Despicable Me (amazing by the way). After shopping, eating, and more shopping, Seth decided he wanted to go to T.J Maxx. My oldest sister, Kate, has tortured me with her glory stories of T.J Maxx, but I, being the stubborn person I am, refused to want to go in. Since I am probably the best girlfriend ever (not), I tagged along Seth's side in the store. I loved it! I ended up adding these wonderful mint green Converse to my always growing, very large collection.
What I learned today: Don't let your stubbornness get in the way of a good bargain!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Hello, lake. I like you...a lot.
These pictures are from a few weeks ago (sorry for not posting them sooner...I'm a slacker) on one of my mom's random rides to the lake. We enjoy these random rides. Do you see the geese? We called to them...they stared at us like we had lost our minds (they were right).

Thursday, July 29, 2010

"The greatest degree of inner tranquility comes from the development of love and compassion. The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well-being."-Tenzin Gyatso

I think, sometimes, we get so caught up in living our own lives that we forget about everyone else. Don't ever forget the people who love you...I never will.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Say Cheese

"The chief danger in life is that you may take too many precautions."-Anonymous
My boyfriend hates taking pictures. He makes every face possible just to irritate me...even though he could just take one picture nicely so I wouldn't make him take a million, but that would be too easy.
Tonight, my mom took my sisters, boyfriend, and me to see the Sorcerer's Apprentice. We LOVED it! It was very, very good! (P.S. My dad was fishing with my uncle.)
Hooray for movie night!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dancing Through Life

As my boyfriend and I were dancing through Walmart, I came across the thought, "Why be afraid to make a fool of yourself?" There is absolutely no reason to be afraid of making a fool of yourself! Live your life. Dance everywhere you go. Sing out loud. Buy a crazy outfit because YOU love it! Don't ever be afraid to live, because while you are being afraid you are wasting the best times of your life. The world gives you permission to live your life, so go live it!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Giving A Damn

(Photo from carrieanddanielle)

"Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn."-Gore Vidal

I entirely agree with this quote. Style is not fake or showy; style is simple and natural. If you strive to be "stylish" you must know yourself. Never try to be anyone or anything that you are not naturally because it will look as if you are trying too hard. Style should never look like you are trying too hard. If you are happy with your own style then don't "give a damn" whether someone else will like it. Style IS confidence, and if you want to be stylish, be confident in what you wear.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Date Night

FINALLY! It has probably been a month since my boyfriend and I have gone on a date. We FINALLY went on a date, JUST THE TWO OF US, tonight! We drove around Auburn University, our new home, for about an hour or so. We are absolutely in love with Auburn's campus. Then, we went to Santa Fe and stayed for two hours, literally. As usual, we debated on the way usual, it ended in a tie. Neither of us like to step on each other's toes about our ideals and beliefs. We enjoy a good debate...who doesn't...??


Another one of my sets from Polyvore! I have gotten a little obsessed with this website.

Sorry for the lack of posts...I have been uninspired lately. Fear not! I shall be inspiring AND inspired once again!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Random Whimsy

I have recently come upon an amazing website called Polyvore. This (above) is my latest set on the website.

Random side note:
I need a date night with my boyfriend, ONLY my boyfriend. We have not had a day for just the two of us in a while. Maybe next weekend...*hint hint*...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

So Snazzy

My lovely studded oxfords from Modcloth came in the mail today! REWIND: I had been anxiously awaiting the UPS man to ring our doorbell when...*DING DONG*!!!!! Since I am afraid of answering the door, my hippity hoppity father zoomed to the door. As soon as I heard him close the door, I ran to him, took the box, grabbed scissors, and slowly walked (because you cannot run with scissors) back into the sun room. I quickly sliced open the box, and there they were. My beautiful, gray, studded oxfords were perfectly placed inside the yellow shoebox. They contribute to my old time-y-ness.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

That's My Fedora!

Today, I bought this little beaut' (above). As I was telling my mom and sister how I was going to buy a vintage train case from Etsy, the guy in World Market chuckled at me! Well, I was wearing my wonderful fedora while talking about my wants of the train, it's acceptable. What can I say, I'm old time-y.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Finding my zen

My sister and I found a mini zen garden in our oldest sister's old room...sneaky, sneaky. As soon as we laid eyes on this amazing kit, we jumped at the opportunity to have another mini item (we LOVE mini things)! We opened the tiny box to find a small bag of sand, three small rocks, and a wonderful mini rake. We drew artistic lines and circles in the sand so we could place the relaxation stones in it. When we were finished, we were calm and relaxed (we even felt as if we would do a small jig). The picture above is the final image of our masterpiece. Woo zen!

Sunday, July 11, 2010


"Have the poise to feel elegant yer slightly off-beat, polished but not glitzy, and self-confident enough to understand that the true meaning of chic is very individual."-Anonymous

Saturday, July 10, 2010


"The air up there in the clouds is very pure and fine, bracing and delicious. And why shouldn't it be?-it's the same the angels breathe."-Mark Twain

Friday, July 9, 2010


I would like to give a big thanks to Kate, from Bookworm to Bombshell, for giving me my very first blogging award!
According to the rules, I must tell you seven facts about my life:
1. I love popsicles! (Typically red or orange)
2. I paint my nails at least twice per week.
3. I am probably too obsessed with electronics.
4. My major is in fashion merchandising.
5. Outfits are my passion.
6. My family rocks.
7. I am afraid that a bunny will bite me.

I am passing this award on to:
Kendi Everyday
Mod Fox
Behind the Seams
My Edit
Stylish White Female
Check out these blogs! They are amazing!

Reddish Blonde

Yes, I did it. I got my hair colored. It isn't THAT drastic of a change, but next time...well next time is a different story. I will definitely go more drastically next time. In around four weeks my hair will be my bangs' color, but all over. So, keep up!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fireworks and S'mores

This would be my lovely boyfriend and me indulging in two suckers on July 4th. We like candy...Oh yes, I did a little picnik'ing to my pictures. Picnik is the best picture editing website I have come across (and trust me, I've been searching).

My family had a big 4th of July party at our house...we invited our family (plus Seth aka boyfriend) for swimming and cooking out. If I haven't metioned, I LOVE grilled food! LOVE IT! Weird, I know, but that's me...weird...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Summer Lovin'

Summer rocks. It just does. Especially in the long as you are lounging by the pool. For as long as I can remember, my family has always spent all summer days by the pool...whether it was our memaw's pool or our pool. I believe that, my dear, is a privilege.

Friday, July 2, 2010