Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Oh My Llama

Recently, my oldest sister, Kate, and her husband, Bryant, went to Utah for a wedding.
She took this for me:
Look at that amazingness!!!!!! I edited the picture so it had a cloud looking haze around the beautifulness...I'm not weird, you are.
Oh, alpacas and llamas...how joyful you make my heart...
I've been trying to find a llama stuffed animal for the longest time! I found one, but the person never contacted me back about it...I was very sad. However, I will not give up!!! I WILL find a llama stuffed animal!
Side Note: I love HERSHEY'S HUGS more than I like most people.


  1. So glad this made the blog! What side of the Hershey's hugs am I on?

  2. I'm not sure that's an appropriate position to put me in.....I think I like you guys more than HUGS...close call, though.
